"Chain Reaction" is a clever strategy game for one or two players. Whether you play against the computer or another human, the objective is the same: to eliminate all of your opponent's bomb-shaped pieces from the field of play. The game is played on a 5 X 6 grid of squares, and the players alternate turns, placing one bomb in a square on each turn.
The results of a move depend on how many bombs are already in the chosen square and adjacent squares. Whenever any square reaches "critical mass," it explodes and sends its bombs into neighboring squares. If those squares are already loaded to capacity, they explode too, creating a chain reaction that can engulf a large area of the board.
Type in the version for your computer and save a copy of the program. Before you run the game, consult the special instructions for your computer as well. Some games are played with keyboard controls, while others use a joystick.
Bomb Begets Bomb
When you run Chain Reaction, it begins by asking whether you wish to play with one or two players. If you've never played before, you may want to play a game or two against the computer to learn what sort of strategies it favors. When you choose to play against the computer, the program also asks whether you'd like the computer to take the first turn.
The first part of most games involves placement of initial pieces, without many explosions. As the board fills up, however, explosions occur with increasing frequency. Play continues until one player's pieces are completely eliminated from the board.
The position of a square in the grid determines how many bombs it requires to create an explosion. A corner square can hold a maximum of one bomb. When you place a second bomb in a corner square that already holds one, both bombs explode, sending a bomb of your color into two neighboring squares. After an explosion, the original square is emptied.
Other squares require more bombs to create an explosion. A border square that isn't on a corner can hold a maximum of two bombs. When you place a third bomb in a border square, its explosion sends three bombs into the squares that adjoin it. Squares in the center of the game board hold the most bombs and also create the most devastating explosions. When you place a fourth bomb in a central square, it sends four bombs into squares which adjoin that position.
When an explosion sends bombs into adjacent squares, any bombs in that square change color to match the color of the exploding bombs. Should one of the adjoining squares surpass its limit, that square, too, will explode, creating the potential for even more explosions. This process continues until no more explosions are possible.
Thus, the situation in Chain Reaction is often volatile. The lead frequently seesaws back and forth between players, as each creates increasingly more widespread chain reactions. Even if defeat seems almost certain, you can often regain the lead with clever play. When a game ends, the program announces the winner and permits you to play a new game or quit.
Like other games of strategy and placement, Chain Reaction rewards the player who can think ahead. At first, you may be tempted to start making explosions as quickly as possible. But that's not always the best long-term tactic. By spreading bombs of your color throughout the board, you may be able to survive chain reactions that would otherwise wipe you out.
Move the cursor with the cursor keys and press the space bar to place a bomb.!!
Screen Shots:
Source Code:
4 REM' Program (IBM VERSION)
20 SCREEN 1, 0: COLOR 1, 0: WIDTH 40: CLS
30 DIM U(4, 5), L(4, 5), J(4, 5), BX(4, 5), BY(4, 5), N(1, 5), ER(256), RT(30), TR(30), TX(30), TY(30), BR(22), BG(22)
35 DIM HX(300), HY(300)
40 GOSUB 1170
50 FOR I = 1 TO 3: FOR J = 1 TO 4: J(I, J) = 4: NEXT: J(I, 0) = 3: J(I, 5) = 3: NEXT
60 RESTORE 70: FOR J = 1 TO 4: J(0, J) = 3: J(4, J) = 3: READ A, B: J(A, B) = 2: NEXT
70 DATA 0,0,0,5,4,0,4,5
80 RESTORE 100: FOR I = 1 TO 4: FOR J = 1 TO I: READ BX(I, J), BY(I, J): NEXT J, I
90 BX(4, 5) = BX(4, 4): BY(4, 5) = BY(4, 4)
100 DATA 13,9,6,9,20,9,13,5,4,15,22,15,13,3,13,17,4,9,22,9
115 LOCATE 10, 10: PRINT "Press EsC TO Quit Game"
120 LOCATE 12, 9: PRINT "Number of players (1/2)?";
130 K$ = INKEY$: IF K$ <> "1" AND K$ <> "2" THEN 130
140 NP = VAL(K$): IF NP = 2 THEN 180
150 LOCATE 16, 10: PRINT "Computer first (Y/N)?";
160 K$ = INKEY$: IF K$ <> "Y" AND K$ <> "N" THEN 160
170 TU = ABS(K$ = "Y")
190 TU = -TU + 1: CO = TU + 1
200 IF NP = 1 AND TU = 0 THEN GOSUB 900: GOTO 230
210 GOSUB 360
220 IF L(Y, X) <> TU + 1 AND L(Y, X) THEN 210
230 U(Y, X) = U(Y, X) + 1: FS(TU) = FS(TU) + 1: IF L(Y, X) = 0 THEN L(Y, X) = CO
240 GOSUB 820
250 IF U(Y, X) = J(Y, X) THEN 270
260 GOTO 190
270 E = 0: FG = 0: FOR P = 0 TO 4: FOR Q = 0 TO 5: Y = P: X = Q
280 IF U(Y, X) >= J(Y, X) AND E = 0 THEN FG = 1: GOSUB 450
290 NEXT Q, P: IF E = 1 THEN 320
300 IF FG = 1 THEN 270
310 GOTO 190
320 LOCATE 24, 16: PRINT "GAME OVER"; : FOR I = 1 TO 5000: NEXT
330 LOCATE 24, 6: PRINT "Press space bar to play again."
340 K$ = INKEY$: IF K$ <> " " THEN 340
350 RUN
360 X = HX(CO): Y = HY(CO): GOSUB 780: WHILE INKEY$ <> "": WEND
365 REM K$=INKEY$:IF K$<>"" THEN 365
370 DX = 0: DY = 0: K$ = RIGHT$(INKEY$, 1): IF K$ = "" THEN 370
380 K = ASC(K$): IF K = 32 THEN HX(CO) = X: HY(CO) = Y: CO = 0: GOSUB 780: CO = TU + 1: RETURN
385 IF K = 27 THEN END: REM *** Quit Game ***
390 IF K = 72 THEN IF Y > 0 THEN DY = -1
400 IF K = 80 THEN IF Y < 4 THEN DY = 1
410 IF K = 75 THEN IF X > 0 THEN DX = -1
420 IF K = 77 THEN IF X < 5 THEN DX = 1
430 IF DX = 0 AND DY = 0 THEN 370
440 CO = 0: GOSUB 780: X = X + DX: Y = Y + DY: CO = TU + 1: GOSUB 780: GOTO 370
445 REM *** FullSquare ***
450 R = 0: YY = 32 * Y + 15: XX = 36 * X + 50:
460 FOR I = 1 TO 4: PUT (XX + 2, YY + 2), ER, PSET
470 FOR J = 1 TO 4: N(1, J) = INT(RND(1) * 3) - 1: NEXT: R = -R + 1: K = U(Y, X) + 1: IF K = 6 THEN K = 5
480 IF CO = 1 THEN ON K GOSUB 730, 740, 750, 760, 770, 770
490 IF CO = 2 THEN ON K GOSUB 850, 860, 870, 880, 890, 890
500 FOR J = 1 TO 25: SOUND 37, 1: NEXT: SOUND 37, 0: NEXT
510 TX = X: TY = Y: J1 = 0: K1 = K - 1: Y1 = 32 * Y + 15 + BY(1, 1): X1 = 36 * X + 50 + BX(1, 1)
520 IF TX > 0 THEN X = TX - 1: DX = -1: DY = 0: GOSUB 1270: GOSUB 590
530 IF TX < 5 THEN X = TX + 1: DX = 1: DY = 0: GOSUB 1270: GOSUB 590
540 X = TX: IF TY > 0 THEN Y = TY - 1: DY = -1: DX = 0: GOSUB 1270: GOSUB 590
550 IF TY < 4 THEN Y = TY + 1: DY = 1: DX = 0: GOSUB 1270: GOSUB 590
560 IF FS(0) < 1 OR FS(1) < 1 THEN E = 1
570 Y = TY: U(Y, X) = U(Y, X) - J(Y, X): GOSUB 820: IF U(Y, X) = 0 THEN L(Y, X) = 0
590 IF L(Y, X) <> TU + 1 THEN FS(TU) = FS(TU) + U(Y, X): FS(-TU + 1) = FS(-TU + 1) - U(Y, X)
600 L(Y, X) = TU + 1: U(Y, X) = U(Y, X) + 1: GOSUB 820: RETURN
610 LP = 0: IF Y > 0 THEN IF L(Y - 1, X) = 2 THEN AY = Y - 1: GOTO 660
620 IF X > 0 THEN IF L(Y, X - 1) = 2 THEN AX = X - 1: GOTO 660
630 IF X < 5 THEN IF L(Y, X + 1) = 2 THEN AX = X + 1: GOTO 660
640 IF Y < 4 THEN IF L(Y + 1, X) = 2 THEN AY = Y + 1: GOTO 660
660 LP = 1: RETURN
670 FOR Y = 0 TO 4: YY = 32 * Y + 16: FOR X = 0 TO 5: XX = 36 * X + 51
680 REM DRAW "BM=XX;,=YY;R34D30L34U30"
685 LINE (XX, YY)-(XX + 34, YY + 30), 2, B
690 NEXT X, Y: GET (XX + 1, YY + 1)-(XX + 33, YY + 29), ER
710 PUT (XX + 2, YY + 2), ER, PSET: K = U(Y, X) + 1: IF K = 6 THEN K = 5
720 ON K GOTO 730, 740, 750, 760, 770, 770
740 PUT (XX + BX(1, K - 1), YY + BY(1, K - 1)), BG: RETURN
750 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(2, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(2, J) + N(R, J)), BG: NEXT: RETURN
760 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(3, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(3, J) + N(R, J)), BG: NEXT: RETURN
770 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(4, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(4, J) + N(R, J)), BG: NEXT: RETURN
775 REM ** DrawCursor **
780 YY = 32 * Y + 15: XX = 36 * X + 50
790 LINE (XX, YY)-(XX + 36, YY + 32), CO, B: REM DRAW "C=CO;BM=XX;,=YY;R36D32L36U32"
800 LINE (XX + 2, YY + 2)-(XX + 34, YY + 30), CO, B: REM DRAW "C=CO;BM+2,+2R32D2BL32U28"
815 REM ** PlaceBomb **
820 YY = 32 * Y + 15: XX = 36 * X + 50: R = 0: IF CO = 1 THEN 710
830 PUT (XX + 2, YY + 2), ER, PSET: K = U(Y, X) + 1: IF K = 6 THEN K = 5
840 ON K GOTO 850, 860, 870, 880, 890, 890
860 PUT (XX + BX(1, K - 1), YY + BY(1, K - 1)), BR: RETURN
870 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(2, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(2, J) + N(R, J)), BR: NEXT: RETURN
880 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(3, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(3, J) + N(R, J)), BR: NEXT: RETURN
890 FOR J = 1 TO K - 1: PUT (XX + BX(4, J) + N(R, J), YY + BY(4, J) + N(R, J)), BR: NEXT: RETURN
900 XT = 0: FOR Y = 0 TO 4: FOR X = 0 TO 5: IF L(Y, X) = 2 THEN 920
910 XT = XT + 1: TY(XT) = Y: TX(XT) = X
920 NEXT X, Y
930 LOCATE 23, 15: PRINT "Thinking...";
940 FOR I = 1 TO XT: RT(I) = 0: TR(I) = 0: Y = TY(I): X = TX(I): GOSUB 610
950 IF FG = 1 AND LP AND U(Y, X) > 0 THEN 1160
960 IF U(Y, X) + 1 <> J(Y, X) THEN 1000
970 IF LP = 1 AND U(AY, AX) + 1 = J(AY, AX) THEN RT(I) = 6: GOTO 1110
980 IF LP = 1 THEN RT(I) = 2: GOTO 1110
990 IF LP = 0 THEN RT(I) = 1: GOTO 1110
1000 IF J(Y, X) <> 2 THEN 1040
1010 IF LP = 0 AND U(Y, X) = 1 THEN RT(I) = 1: GOTO 1110
1020 IF LP = 0 AND U(Y, X) = 0 THEN RT(I) = 4: GOTO 1110
1030 IF LP = 1 AND U(Y, X) = 1 THEN RT(I) = 4: GOTO 1110
1040 IF U(AY, AX) + 1 = J(AY, AX) THEN RT(I) = 1: GOTO 1110
1050 IF U(Y, X) + 2 < J(Y, X) THEN 1090
1060 IF LP = 1 AND U(AY, AX) + 1 < J(AY, AX) THEN RT(I) = 5: GOTO 1110
1070 IF LP = 0 THEN RT(I) = 3: GOTO 1110
1080 RT(I) = 2: GOTO 1110
1090 IF LP = 0 THEN RT(I) = 2: GOTO 1110
1100 RT(I) = 1
1110 NEXT: ZT = 0: AB = 6
1120 FOR I = 1 TO XT: IF RT(I) = AB THEN ZT = ZT + 1: TR(ZT) = I
1130 NEXT: IF ZT > 0 THEN 1150
1140 AB = AB - 1: GOTO 1120
1150 DH = INT(ZT * RND(1)) + 1: HD = TR(DH): Y = TY(HD): X = TX(HD)
1160 LOCATE 23, 15: PRINT " "; : FG = FG + 1: RETURN
1170 RESTORE 1210
1180 READ BR(0), BR(1): FOR I = 2 TO 22: READ A$: BR(I) = VAL("&H" + A$): NEXT
1190 READ BG(0), BG(1): FOR I = 2 TO 22: READ A$: BG(I) = VAL("&H" + A$): NEXT
1210 DATA 22,13,F00,0,30,3000,200,AA
1220 DATA AA02,A00,80AA,2028,AAA0,A822,8AAA,AAA8
1230 DATA A822,2028,AA0,80AA,AA02,0,0
1240 DATA 22,13,F00,0,30,3000,100,55
1250 DATA 5501,500,4055,1014,5550,5411,4555,5554
1260 DATA 5411,1014,550,4055,5501,0,0
1270 J1 = J1 + 1: XX = X1 - BX(1, 1): YY = Y1 - BY(1, 1): S = 1087: IF CO = 1 THEN 1360
1280 PUT (XX + BX(K1, J1) + N(R, J1), YY + BY(K1, J1) + N(R, J1)), BR
1290 IF DY <> 0 THEN 1330
1300 X2 = X1 + 35 * DX: DX = DX * 4: PUT (X1, Y1), BR
1310 FOR I = X1 TO X2 STEP DX: S = S - 40: SOUND S, 1: PUT (I, Y1), BR: PUT (I + DX, Y1), BR: NEXT
1320 PUT (XX + 3, YY + 3), ER: RETURN
1330 Y2 = Y1 + 31 * DY: DY = DY * 4: PUT (X1, Y1), BR
1340 FOR I = Y1 TO Y2 STEP DY: S = S - 40: SOUND S, 1: PUT (X1, I), BR: PUT (X1, I + DY), BR: NEXT
1350 PUT (XX + 3, YY + 3), ER: RETURN
1360 PUT (XX + BX(K1, J1) + N(R, J1), YY + BY(K1, J1) + N(R, J1)), BG
1370 IF DY <> 0 THEN 1410
1380 X2 = X1 + 35 * DX: DX = DX * 4: PUT (X1, Y1), BG
1390 FOR I = X1 TO X2 STEP DX: S = S - 40: SOUND S, 1: PUT (I, Y1), BG: PUT (I + DX, Y1), BG: NEXT
1400 PUT (XX + 3, YY + 3), ER: RETURN
1410 Y2 = Y1 + 31 * DY: DY = DY * 4: PUT (X1, Y1), BG
1420 FOR I = Y1 TO Y2 STEP DY: S = S - 40: SOUND S, 1: PUT (X1, I), BG: PUT (X1, I + DY), BG: NEXT
1430 PUT (XX + 3, YY + 3), ER: RETURN