Saturday, May 31, 2014

Easy Steel Portal Frame 2.0

Easy Steel Portal Frame 2.0

This is a new version of Easy Steel Portal Frame to BS 5950 ,
You now can generate Autocad DXF file

062014 - cdlOFNOverwritePrompt has been added
             - DXF Out function for Frame has been Added
06062014-1414: GetAppPath : Run time error 75 : Path/File Access Error has been fixed!!
07062014-1042: cdlOFNNoChangeDir: Directory Change After File Open/Save has been fixed!!
07062014-2254: File #1 Not Close , Error 70 Permission Denied/ File Already Open has been fixed !!
29062014-1810: Sub Terminate added , program terminated if key not found.
                          : Added Portal4a.exe; Unity error
                          : Added Portal4a.exe; Rafter Too Big Error, Lm > h2f 
                          : Fixed ViewResult ; Save & Save As ; cmdg.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt +         
                            cdlOFNNoChangeDir , Open ; cmdg.Flags = cdlOFNFileMustExist +
                            cdlOFNPathMustExist + cdlOFNNoChangeDir
Download Here :

TROPICAL GRAPES Malaysia...I have planted it myself !!

It's not a surprise anymore ...

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Generate A Polygon and Export to Autocad DXF file

 I found this GWBASIC Program from the internet...A good start to learn how to generate a DXF file in BASIC

1000   REM
1010   REM Polygon generator
1020   REM
1030   LINE INPUT "Drawing (DXF) file name: "; A$
1040   OPEN "o", 1, A$ + ".dxf"
1050   PRINT #1, 0
1060   PRINT #1, "SECTION"
1070   PRINT #1, 2
1080   PRINT #1, "ENTITIES"
1090   PI = ATN(1) * 4
1100   INPUT "Number of sides for polygon: "; S%
1110   INPUT "Starting point (X,Y): "; X, Y
1120   INPUT "Polygon side: "; D
1130   A1 = (2 * PI) / S%
1140   A = PI / 2
1150   FOR I% = 1 TO S%
1160   PRINT #1, 0
1170   PRINT #1, "LINE"
1180   PRINT #1, 8
1190   PRINT #1, "0"
1200   PRINT #1, 10
1210   PRINT #1, X
1220   PRINT #1, 20
1230   PRINT #1, Y
1240   PRINT #1, 30
1250   PRINT #1, 0.0
1260   NX = D * COS(A) + X
1270   NY = D * SIN(A) + Y
1280   PRINT #1, 11
1290   PRINT #1, NX
1300   PRINT #1, 21
1310   PRINT #1, NY
1320   PRINT #1, 31
1330   PRINT #1, 0.0
1340   X = NX
1350   Y = NY
1360   A = A + A1
1370   NEXT I%
1380   PRINT #1, 0
1390   PRINT #1, "ENDSEC"
1400   PRINT #1, 0
1410   PRINT #1, "EOF"
1420   CLOSE 1

Friday, May 23, 2014

A DXF Generated BS 5950 Portal Frame Software

I'm in a process of developing a DXF generated Portal Frame Software, using FreeBASIC this time...further development would be in Visual Basic

Download Working File:

Here are the screenshots :-

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


CASIO FX880P , My one and only 8 bit computer, what the heck?? ada ker orang guna 8 bit komputer lagi??

Terjumpa CASIO FX880P masa jalan-jalan kat bandar, Bahasa Pengaturacaraan masih BASIC ( macam GWBASIC ) , beli bukan sebab nak guna sangat pun...sebab komputer sekarang ni lagi canggih...beli sekadar collection dan untuk mengimbas kembali kenangan  guna ATARI 800XL 8 bit dulu...susah nak cari komputer 8 bit sekarang ni, kalau terjumpa tu..mujur sangat laa...

MS DOS LOOP in Windows

Have problem running and printing MS DOS LOOP for water distribution network in Windows?

My configuration has made MS DOS LOOP can be executed and edited under Windows 32 bit and Windows 64 bit. The configuration , prints MS DOS LOOP to Microsoft WORD output file so that it can be edited and printed by you easily without any hassle any more

 for further information contact


RESULT.DOC  Printed Result from a configured LOOP software