Wednesday, May 20, 2020


DarkDread's 2D TileMap Engine

DIM SHARED Map%(0 TO 15, 0 TO 9) ' This is the 2d array which will be
' used to hold the map data.

FOR Y = 0 TO 9 ' This little routine reads the DATA
    FOR X = 0 TO 15 ' into the map array.  We will use
        READ Map%(X, Y) ' this DATA to draw the map and test
    NEXT X ' where the player can and can't
NEXT Y ' move.

' Below is the data for a boring little level which I have created.  You can
' change it around in any way you want.
DATA 5,7,7,7,7,7,7,6,6,7,7,7,7,7,7,5
DATA 5,1,1,0,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0,0,1,1,5
DATA 5,5,5,5,5,5,5,4,4,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
DATA 6,6,6,6,0,0,0,3,3,0,0,0,1,6,6,6
DATA 6,6,1,1,1,1,0,3,3,0,1,1,1,1,6,6
DATA 2,6,6,1,1,1,1,3,3,0,1,1,1,1,6,6
DATA 2,6,6,1,1,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,1,6
DATA 2,2,6,6,1,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,1,1,0,5
DATA 2,2,2,6,6,1,1,3,3,1,1,1,0,0,5,5
DATA 2,2,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5

SCREEN 13 ' We will be using screen mode 13h
' which has a resolution of 320x200
' and can display up to 256 colours.

DIM SHARED Grass%(210) ' These are the arrays we need to
DIM SHARED Forest%(210) ' dimension in order to hold all of
DIM SHARED Desert%(210) ' our graphics.
DIM SHARED Dirt%(210)
DIM SHARED Bridge%(210)
DIM SHARED Water%(210)
DIM SHARED Rock%(210)
DIM SHARED Wall%(210)

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 2, BF ' This is our grass tile.
LINE (5, 5)-(3, 3), 120
LINE (5, 5)-(7, 3), 120
LINE (15, 15)-(13, 13), 120
LINE (15, 15)-(17, 13), 120

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Grass%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Grass% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 120, BF ' This is our forest tile.
LINE (0, 10)-(10, 5), 2
LINE (10, 5)-(20, 10), 2

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Forest%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Forest% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 43, BF ' This is our desert tile.
RANDOMIZE TIMER ' This is just a simple way of
FOR I = 1 TO 10 ' drawing 10 random dots on our tile.
    X = INT(RND * 19)
    Y = INT(RND * 19)
    PSET (X, Y), 6

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Desert%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Desert% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 113, BF ' This is our dirt path tile.
CIRCLE (9, 9), 8, 6
PAINT (9, 9), 6, 6

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Dirt%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Dirt% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 9), 6, BF ' This is our bridge tile.
LINE (0, 10)-(19, 19), 113, BF

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Bridge%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Bridge% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 105, BF ' This is our water tile.
LINE (0, 10)-(10, 5), 9
LINE (10, 5)-(20, 10), 9

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Water%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Water% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 2, BF ' This is our rock/mountain tile.
LINE (1, 17)-(18, 17), 185
LINE (18, 17)-(9, 2), 185
LINE (9, 2)-(1, 17), 185
PAINT (9, 9), 185, 185

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Rock%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Rock% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn so that we may draw our
' next tile.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 9), 23, BF ' This is our wall tile.
LINE (0, 10)-(19, 19), 25, BF

GET (0, 0)-(19, 19), Wall%() ' This puts what we have just drawn
' into the Wall% array.

LINE (0, 0)-(19, 19), 0, BF ' This command clears what we have
' just drawn.
' Basically, this code will check what number is at every position in the
' map and put the right graphic, in the right spot on the screen according
' to what number is associated with what graphic.
FOR Y = 0 TO 9
    FOR X = 0 TO 15
        IF Map%(X, Y) = 0 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Grass%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 1 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Forest%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 2 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Desert%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 3 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Dirt%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 4 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Bridge%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 5 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Water%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 6 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Rock%(), PSET
        ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 7 THEN
            PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Wall%(), PSET
        END IF
    NEXT X

DIM SHARED PlayerX%, PlayerY%
' We must create global variables
' for the character's X and Y
' position, relative to the map.

PlayerX% = 7 ' We give our player any ol' starting
PlayerY% = 8 ' position.  Just make sure they are
' not standing on an impassable tile.

Moved = 1
        CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(77) ' Code for right arrow key.
            IF Map%(PlayerX% + 1, PlayerY%) < 5 THEN
                GOSUB DrawBackGround
                PlayerX% = PlayerX% + 1
                Moved = 1
            END IF
        CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(75) ' Code for left arrow key.
            IF Map%(PlayerX% - 1, PlayerY%) < 5 THEN
                GOSUB DrawBackGround
                PlayerX% = PlayerX% - 1
                Moved = 1
            END IF
        CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(80) ' Code for down arrow key.
            IF Map%(PlayerX%, PlayerY% + 1) < 5 THEN
                GOSUB DrawBackGround
                PlayerY% = PlayerY% + 1
                Moved = 1
            END IF
        CASE CHR$(0) + CHR$(72) ' Code for up arrow key.
            IF Map%(PlayerX%, PlayerY% - 1) < 5 THEN
                GOSUB DrawBackGround
                PlayerY% = PlayerY% - 1
                Moved = 1
            END IF
        CASE CHR$(27) ' Code for Esc key.
            Quit = 1

    IF Moved = 1 THEN
        X% = PlayerX% * 20 ' This little routine draws our
        Y% = PlayerY% * 20 ' character in the right position
        CIRCLE (X% + 9, Y% + 9), 9, 40 ' on the screen.
        PAINT (X% + 9, Y% + 9), 40, 40
        CIRCLE (X% + 5, Y% + 6), 3, 31
        PAINT (X% + 5, Y% + 6), 31, 31
        CIRCLE (X% + 13, Y% + 6), 3, 31
        PAINT (X% + 13, Y% + 6), 31, 31
        CIRCLE (X% + 5, Y% + 6), 0, 16
        CIRCLE (X% + 13, Y% + 6), 0, 16
        CIRCLE (X% + 4, Y% + 17), 2, 4
        PAINT (X% + 4, Y% + 17), 4, 4
        CIRCLE (X% + 14, Y% + 17), 2, 4
        PAINT (X% + 14, Y% + 17), 4, 4
        CIRCLE (X% + 9, Y% + 9), 2, 16
        PAINT (X% + 9, Y% + 9), 16, 16
        Moved = 0
    END IF

PRINT "Thank you for trying this demo."

X = PlayerX%
Y = PlayerY%
IF Map%(X, Y) = 0 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Grass%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 1 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Forest%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 2 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Desert%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 3 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Dirt%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 4 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Bridge%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 5 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Water%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 6 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Rock%(), PSET
ELSEIF Map%(X, Y) = 7 THEN
    PUT (X * 20, Y * 20), Wall%(), PSET

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