Monday, June 30, 2008

Temuramah bersama CEO Petronas

"Tuhan Masih Sayang-kan Kita" : Temuramah
bersama CEO Petronas

Tan Sri Hassan Merican, CEO Petronas

Ketika membicarakan tentang prospek industri minyak dan gas baik di dalam negara ataupun global, Presiden dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Petronas, Tan Sri Mohd. Hassan Marican, merupakan orang yang paling arif untuk dijadikan rujukan.
Selain berpengalaman luas, beliau adalah seorang yang cukup teliti tentang apa yang diperkatakan dan sentiasa membuat kajian sendiri.
Tidak hairanlah apabila beliau membayangkan rakyat Malaysia perlu bersedia membayar lebih (untuk mendapatkan minyak) pada masa depan berikutan berlakunya penyusutan dalam sumber negara, ia harus diberikan perhatian serius kerana implikasi besarnya terhadap pembangunan ekonomi negara dan juga rakyat.
‘‘Pada pandangan saya, perkara yang berlaku ini adalah satu yang kritikal kepada anak cucu kita. Sumber (minyak dan gas) semakin berkurangan,’’ kata beliau.
Mohd. Hassan menjangkakan Malaysia yang kini merupakan pengeksport minyak, akan menjadi pengimport bersih bahan berkenaan menjelang tahun 2010, iaitu hanya tiga tahun dari sekarang apabila permintaan yang ada bakal mengatasi pengeluaran.
‘‘ Hari ini, sumbangan Petronas masih lagi tinggi tetapi esok apabila sumber makin sikit dan harganya pula jatuh, sumbangan akan berkurangan, macam mana kita akan menanggung semua (membangunkan negara) ini. Keadaan ini akan berlaku dan hanya menunggu masa sahaja,’’ kata beliau.

Pengurangan sumber berkenaan bukan fenomena yang hanya berlaku di Malaysia, tetapi juga melanda dunia berikutan usaha mendapatkan komoditi yang dikenali sebagai emas hitam, kini diburukkan oleh peningkatan kos untuk mengeluarkannya dari perut bumi selain terdapat kekangan terhadap tenaga manusia dalam industri itu.
‘‘Tuhan masih lagi sayang kepada kita kerana itu kita berjaya temui rizab laut dalam,” kata beliau dalam satu temu bual dengan wartawan Mingguan Malaysia, MOWARDI MAHMUD, KHAIRUDDIN MOHD AMIN dan AMRAN AHMAD di pejabatnya baru-baru ini.
Namun begitu, menurut Mohd. Hassan, penemuan kawasan minyak laut dalam yang baru masih belum mencukupi kerana permintaan dalam negara yang dijangka terus meningkat, lambat-laun apa yang dimiliki itu akan habis juga.
Dalam temu bual itu, beliau juga menceritakan kesukaran mendapatkan sumber manusia dan kejayaan Petronas melahirkan jutawan bumiputera melalui pengendalian stesen minyaknya dan penting syarikat bumiputera membina modal insan dan juga keupayaan diri untuk bersaing.

MINGGUAN: Petronas sekali lagi mengumumkan hasil kewangan yang tertinggi dalam sejarahnya, jadi banyaklah duit yang ada
Mohd. Hassan: Keuntungan itu juga kita terus pulangkan kepada kerajaan. Pada tahun ini, kita memberi balik sebanyak RM58.1 bilion atau 77 peratus kepada kerajaan bagi digunakan untuk tujuan pembangunan dan melaksanakan agendanya yang memberi faedah kepada rakyat. Tetapi, sejauh mana ia digunakan secara cekap, ia adalah satu soalan lain.

Bolehkah Tan Sri jelaskan lagi?
MOHD. HASSAN: Tanggungjawab Petronas adalah mengembalikan (keuntungan) kepada kerajaan untuk melakukan apa yang perlu dibuat supaya kesannya dirasai oleh rakyat. Tahun lepas, terdapat pihak mempersoalkan kenapa keuntungan itu tidak diberikan terus kepada rakyat RM1,000 seorang dan berdasarkan pencapaian yang baru diumumkan, kita patut bagi RM3,000 seorang. Persoalan itu menjadi satu isu, sama ada duit digunakan sebaiknya atau dibazirkan, contohnya dalam pemberian subsidi ketika sumber minyak dan gas yang dinikmati semakin berkurangan.

Ini bermakna hasil Petronas boleh berkurangan pada masa depan
MOHD. HASSAN: Memang kerana berlakunya penyusutan itu. Kami merupakan penyumbang terbesar tunggal kepada pendapatan kerajaan sebanyak 35 peratus berbanding sektor-sektor yang lain termasuk perkilangan. Hari ini, sumbangan Petronas masih lagi tinggi tetapi esok apabila sumber makin sikit dan harga minyak pula jatuh, sumbangan akan berkurangan, macam mana kita akan menanggung semua ini (membangunkan negara). Keadaan ini akan berlaku dan hanya menunggu masa sahaja.

Apakah kita harus bersedia untuk membayar lebih?
MOHD. HASSAN: Saya rasa rakyat kena sedar yang sumber petroleum semakin susut. Dulu bijih timah tapi kita sudah kehabisan bekalannya walaupun harga timah sekarang ini mencapai AS$13,800 setan, kita sudah tidak ada sumber bahan itu lagi.

Berdasarkan kepada perkembangan semasa, bilakah ia akan habis?
MOHD. HASSAN: Itu terpulang kepada permintaan dan bagaimana kita menggunakan sumber yang kita ada. Jadi, sekiranya permintaan meningkat tinggi maka kadar pengurangan bekalan akan menjadi semakin cepat. Soalnya, adakah kita mahu terus guna (sumber yang ada) selagi boleh sampai habis dan mana manfaat yang boleh kita raih? Apakah kerana benda itu kita peroleh secara murah maka kita tidak payah simpan atau menggunakan secara cekap? Berdasarkan kepada kekurangan yang kita hadapi ini, pada hari ini (bekalan) hanya hampir mencukupi dan memenuhi permintaan.

Adakah tahap penyusutan sumber petroleum membimbangkan?
Mohd. Hassan: Pada kadar pertumbuhan permintaan sebanyak empat peratus setahun terutamanya dalam sektor pengangkutan, negara akan menjadi pengimport bersih minyak menjelang tahun 2010. Permintaannya menjadi lebih besar daripada pengeluaran. Kadar penyusutannya adalah tinggi. Kita bernasib baik mempunyai 30 peratus daripada rizab (minyak) di laut dalam yang ditemui lima tahun lalu. Kalau tidak, sumber kita sudah habis lama (tanpa penemuan medan minyak laut dalam), apa yang kita miliki berkurangan pada kadar yang pantas. (Jika tiada rizab minyak laut dalam) Pengeluaran akan berkurangan daripada 600,000 tong sehari kepada 250,000 atau 300,000 tong sehari. Menjelang tahun 2010, pengeluaran akan berkurangan kepada 300,000 tong sehari tetapi ketika ini kita mempunyai pengeluaran baru. Pengeluaran akan jatuh sebanyak 15 peratus setahun menjelang tahun 2011. Bermula tahun 2014, pengeluaran akan jatuh sebanyak 10 peratus setahun. Nasib kita jumpa (medan minyak) di laut dalam pada tahun 2002. Tuhan, masih sayangkan kita.

Bukankah kita menemui telaga baru di laut dalam?
Mohd. Hassan: Pengeluaran minyak laut dalam di Kikeh (Sabah) akan dilakukan pada bulan September tahun ini. Ia akan tampung balik kejatuhan yang berlaku sebelum ini (pengeluaran). Tapi selama mana? Lambat laun akan habis juga.

Apakah pilihan yang ada?
MOHD. HASSAN: Kita boleh import (gas asli) dari negara-negara lain. Tetapi apabila pengeluaran di seluruh dunia jatuh, mereka (pengeluar gas asli) memberikan keutamaan kepada kegunaan sendiri. Sebagai contoh, Indonesia tidak benarkan import (gas asli) dilakukan. Ini adalah satu masalah. Begitu juga di Vietnam dan Mesir yang menetapkan pengeluaran gas pada jumlah tertentu untuk penggunaan dalam negara. Jadi, kita hendak import (gas asli) dari mana? Kalau dapat import pun kita kena bayar harga pasaran yang mana jauh lebih tinggi daripada harga domestik. Pada pandangan saya, perkara yang berlaku ini adalah satu yang kritikal kepada anak cucu kita. Sumber (minyak dan gas) semakin berkurangan.

Ada yang mengatakan kenapa tidak kita terus sahaja mencari gali?
Mohd. Hassan: Kos operasi telah meningkat. Kos penggerudian naik 200 peratus. Kos mencari dan kos pembangunan (medan minyak) juga meningkat dalam tempoh satu hingga dua tahun ini. Ini kos yang ditanggung hari ini. Sekiranya harga (minyak) kekal tidak mengapa tetapi jika harga jatuh, anda akan menanggung kerugian, ia tidak lagi menguntungkan dari segi (skala) ekonomi. Beberapa projek (dalam industri minyak dan gas global) telah ditangguhkan kerana kenaikan kos ini. Ia merupakan kitaran jangka masa panjang. Jika dilihat daripada penangguhan projek, kita akan menyaksikan pembekalan berkurangan dan permintaan akan meningkat.

Apakah penyelesaiannya?
Mohd. Hassan: Pada hari ini, permintaan adalah 84 juta tong sehari dan pada tahun 2012 pula sebanyak 120 juta. Persoalan timbul di mana kita perlu mencari 36 juta tong sehari (menjelang tahun 2012). Kita perlu bergantung kepada Timur Tengah iaitu Iran dan Iraq tetapi keadaan geopolitiknya tidak stabil. Apa akan berlaku jika Timur Tengah tidak dapat memenuhi permintaan?

Sebelum ini kekurangan modal insan juga dikatakan perkara serius?
Mohd. Hassan: Industri juga mengalami kekurangan modal insan. Bagi mengatasinya, pada tahun lalu kami mengambil 1,100 jurutera dalam semua bidang kejuruteraan dan kemudiannya menukarkan mereka menjadi jurutera petroleum. Mereka akan pergi ke universiti, belajar balik selama 18 bulan untuk jadi jurutera petroleum. Mereka yang mempunyai (ijazah) sains tulen pula akan ditukarkan kepada saintis geologi. Bagaimanapun ini mengambil masa. Selepas mereka menamatkan pengajian (di universiti) mereka masih lagi baru (tidak mempunyai pengalaman) dan ia mengambil masa antara lima tahun hingga tujuh tahun sebelum mereka boleh digunakan. Anda mengambil masa antara tujuh hingga 10 tahun sebelum mereka bersedia. Purata umur pekerja dalam industri ini ialah 52 tahun dan jika masa selama 10 tahun diperlukan untuk mendapatkan orang baru, pekerja yang ada akan berusia 62 tahun (ketika kakitangan baru berkhidmat). Jurang antara pekerja sedia ada dan pekerja baru adalah besar.

Bagaimana pula dengan kehadiran pekerja yang berpengalaman?
Mohd. Hassan: Hampir separuh daripada pekerja dalam industri minyak dan gas global akan bersara dalam jangka masa 10 tahun akan datang. Kami juga rekrut dan latih tetapi kami merana. Dalam masa tujuh hingga 10 tahun mereka lari ke Australia, Timur Tengah dan United Kingdom. Kami menjangkakan akan terus kehilangan (pekerja) berpengalaman walaupun kami mengambil 1,100 pekerja ini. Modal insan merupakan masalah jangka panjang. Ia mengambil masa sekurang-kurangnya lima tahun untuk menyelesaikannya, khususnya saintis geologi. Kita juga memanggil balik pesara Petronas.

Kenapa perkara itu boleh berlaku?
Mohd. Hassan: Generasi muda tidak seperti generasi tua yang lebih setia. Mereka melihat kepada wang. Ini adalah sifat biasa generasi lebih muda. Syarikat minyak di negara lain menawarkan gaji yang lebih tinggi. Tahun lalu, kami kehilangan 270 orang pekerja yang mana 131 orang majoritinya jurutera. Mereka meninggalkan (Petronas) sebab wang. Sekumpulan lagi yang lebih berpengalaman, mereka pergi (ke luar negara) sebab mahukan sistem pendidikan yang baik untuk anak mereka.

Ada yang menyertai semula Petronas?
Mohd. Hassan: Tidak. Saya tidak menukar dasar (tidak mengambil balik pekerja yang telah keluar). Saya mahu menghargai mereka yang setia. Kami ada 75 peratus pekerja yang setia tetapi saya tidak memerlukan mereka yang keluar dan mahu kembali semula.

Dengan peningkatan kos, adakah Petronas mempunyai dana yang mencukupi?
Mohd. Hassan: Kami mempunyai dana yang mencukupi. Kita mempunyai kerajaan yang bertanggungjawab dan Petronas mempunyai 25 peratus keuntungan untuk berkembang. Sekiranya kalau kos terlampau tinggi, kami tidak akan melabur. Ia tidak menguntungkan berdasarkan (skala) ekonomi. Ini yang berlaku di seluruh dunia. Semua orang melihat dan mengkaji semula pelaburan mereka.

Berbalik kepada perkara lain, Petronas juga terlibat dalam membangunkan ekonomi bumiputera
Mohd. Hassan: Petronas Dagangan Bhd., anak syarikat Petronas, mempunyai 832 stesen minyak, yang mana 95 peratus pemilik adalah bumiputera. Stesen minyak ini merupakan tempat latihan orang Melayu menjadi pengedar. Ia untuk pembangunan ekonomi orang Melayu. Jika dilihat pengusaha stesen Shell (yang majoritinya bukan bumiputera) mereka menjadikan stesen minyak ini sebagai tempat proses pembelajaran perniagaan pertama untuk anak-anak mereka. Anak mereka datang (ke stesen minyak) pada hujung minggu. Stesen minyak Petronas ini boleh dijadikan mekanisme latihan untuk masyarakat Melayu berniaga. Selain itu ia juga untuk perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) memasarkan produk mereka. Pada hujung minggu anak ataupun anak saudara pengusaha stesen minyak boleh datang ke stesen minyak dan lihat bagaimana ia beroperasi dan ini merupakan permulaan keusahawanan tetapi mereka tidak mahu belajar.

Bagaimana mereka boleh memperbetulkan keadaan ini?
Mohd. Hassan: Apabila mereka telah menjadi pengedar, bawalah anak ke stesen dan melihat bagaimana perniagaan dilakukan. Ia adalah tempat untuk melahirkan usahawan.

Adakah Petronas telah mencapai kejayaan?
Mohd. Hassan: Kita telah lahirkan banyak jutawan Melayu melalui perniagaan pengendalian stesen-stesen minyak Petronas. Bagaimana pula dengan perkembangan syarikat penyedia khidmat sokongan Petronas.

Adakah Tan Sri puas hati?
Mohd. Hassan: Mereka telah dibangunkan sejak 20 tahun lalu tetapi mereka kurang memberi tumpuan kepada latihan. Mereka sepatutnya membangunkan modal insan dan bukan mengambil pekerja dari syarikat lain selain membina keupayaan diri. Kesemua ini untuk faedah tempoh jangka masa panjang. Ini adalah perniagaan global, mereka perlu cekap dari segi kos, mempunyai bakat dalam modal insan, mempunyai teknologi barulah boleh bersaing.

**Dipetik daripada : UTUSAN ONLINE

Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Beginning of Time

In this lecture, I would like to discuss whether time itself has a beginning, and whether it will have an end. All the evidence seems to indicate, that the universe has not existed forever, but that it had a beginning, about 15 billion years ago. This is probably the most remarkable discovery of modern cosmology. Yet it is now taken for granted. We are not yet certain whether the universe will have an end. When I gave a lecture in Japan, I was asked not to mention the possible re-collapse of the universe, because it might affect the stock market. However, I can re-assure anyone who is nervous about their investments that it is a bit early to sell: even if the universe does come to an end, it won't be for at least twenty billion years. By that time, maybe the GATT trade agreement will have come into effect.

The time scale of the universe is very long compared to that for human life. It was therefore not surprising that until recently, the universe was thought to be essentially static, and unchanging in time. On the other hand, it must have been obvious, that society is evolving in culture and technology. This indicates that the present phase of human history can not have been going for more than a few thousand years. Otherwise, we would be more advanced than we are. It was therefore natural to believe that the human race, and maybe the whole universe, had a beginning in the fairly recent past. However, many people were unhappy with the idea that the universe had a beginning, because it seemed to imply the existence of a supernatural being who created the universe. They preferred to believe that the universe, and the human race, had existed forever. Their explanation for human progress was that there had been periodic floods, or other natural disasters, which repeatedly set back the human race to a primitive state.

This argument about whether or not the universe had a beginning, persisted into the 19th and 20th centuries. It was conducted mainly on the basis of theology and philosophy, with little consideration of observational evidence. This may have been reasonable, given the notoriously unreliable character of cosmological observations, until fairly recently. The cosmologist, Sir Arthur Eddington, once said, 'Don't worry if your theory doesn't agree with the observations, because they are probably wrong.' But if your theory disagrees with the Second Law of Thermodynamics, it is in bad trouble. In fact, the theory that the universe has existed forever is in serious difficulty with the Second Law of Thermodynamics. The Second Law, states that disorder always increases with time. Like the argument about human progress, it indicates that there must have been a beginning. Otherwise, the universe would be in a state of complete disorder by now, and everything would be at the same temperature. In an infinite and everlasting universe, every line of sight would end on the surface of a star. This would mean that the night sky would have been as bright as the surface of the Sun. The only way of avoiding this problem would be if, for some reason, the stars did not shine before a certain time.

In a universe that was essentially static, there would not have been any dynamical reason, why the stars should have suddenly turned on, at some time. Any such "lighting up time" would have to be imposed by an intervention from outside the universe. The situation was different, however, when it was realised that the universe is not static, but expanding. Galaxies are moving steadily apart from each other. This means that they were closer together in the past. One can plot the separation of two galaxies, as a function of time. If there were no acceleration due to gravity, the graph would be a straight line. It would go down to zero separation, about twenty billion years ago. One would expect gravity, to cause the galaxies to accelerate towards each other. This will mean that the graph of the separation of two galaxies will bend downwards, below the straight line. So the time of zero separation, would have been less than twenty billion years ago.

At this time, the Big Bang, all the matter in the universe, would have been on top of itself. The density would have been infinite. It would have been what is called, a singularity. At a singularity, all the laws of physics would have broken down. This means that the state of the universe, after the Big Bang, will not depend on anything that may have happened before, because the deterministic laws that govern the universe will break down in the Big Bang. The universe will evolve from the Big Bang, completely independently of what it was like before. Even the amount of matter in the universe, can be different to what it was before the Big Bang, as the Law of Conservation of Matter, will break down at the Big Bang.

Since events before the Big Bang have no observational consequences, one may as well cut them out of the theory, and say that time began at the Big Bang. Events before the Big Bang, are simply not defined, because there's no way one could measure what happened at them. This kind of beginning to the universe, and of time itself, is very different to the beginnings that had been considered earlier. These had to be imposed on the universe by some external agency. There is no dynamical reason why the motion of bodies in the solar system can not be extrapolated back in time, far beyond four thousand and four BC, the date for the creation of the universe, according to the book of Genesis. Thus it would require the direct intervention of God, if the universe began at that date. By contrast, the Big Bang is a beginning that is required by the dynamical laws that govern the universe. It is therefore intrinsic to the universe, and is not imposed on it from outside.

Although the laws of science seemed to predict the universe had a beginning, they also seemed to predict that they could not determine how the universe would have begun. This was obviously very unsatisfactory. So there were a number of attempts to get round the conclusion, that there was a singularity of infinite density in the past. One suggestion was to modify the law of gravity, so that it became repulsive. This could lead to the graph of the separation between two galaxies, being a curve that approached zero, but didn't actually pass through it, at any finite time in the past. Instead, the idea was that, as the galaxies moved apart, new galaxies were formed in between, from matter that was supposed to be continually created. This was the Steady State theory, proposed by Bondi, Gold, and Hoyle.

The Steady State theory, was what Karl Popper would call, a good scientific theory: it made definite predictions, which could be tested by observation, and possibly falsified. Unfortunately for the theory, they were falsified. The first trouble came with the Cambridge observations, of the number of radio sources of different strengths. On average, one would expect that the fainter sources would also be the more distant. One would therefore expect them to be more numerous than bright sources, which would tend to be near to us. However, the graph of the number of radio sources, against there strength, went up much more sharply at low source strengths, than the Steady State theory predicted.

There were attempts to explain away this number count graph, by claiming that some of the faint radio sources, were within our own galaxy, and so did not tell us anything about cosmology. This argument didn't really stand up to further observations. But the final nail in the coffin of the Steady State theory came with the discovery of the microwave background radiation, in 1965. This radiation is the same in all directions. It has the spectrum of radiation in thermal equilibrium at a temperature of 2 point 7 degrees above the Absolute Zero of temperature. There doesn't seem any way to explain this radiation in the Steady State theory.

Another attempt to avoid a beginning to time, was the suggestion, that maybe all the galaxies didn't meet up at a single point in the past. Although on average, the galaxies are moving apart from each other at a steady rate, they also have small additional velocities, relative to the uniform expansion. These so-called "peculiar velocities" of the galaxies, may be directed sideways to the main expansion. It was argued, that as you plotted the position of the galaxies back in time, the sideways peculiar velocities, would have meant that the galaxies wouldn't have all met up. Instead, there could have been a previous contracting phase of the universe, in which galaxies were moving towards each other. The sideways velocities could have meant that the galaxies didn't collide, but rushed past each other, and then started to move apart. There wouldn't have been any singularity of infinite density, or any breakdown of the laws of physics. Thus there would be no necessity for the universe, and time itself, to have a beginning. Indeed, one might suppose that the universe had oscillated, though that still wouldn't solve the problem with the Second Law of Thermodynamics: one would expect that the universe would become more disordered each oscillation. It is therefore difficult to see how the universe could have been oscillating for an infinite time.

This possibility, that the galaxies would have missed each other, was supported by a paper by two Russians. They claimed that there would be no singularities in a solution of the field equations of general relativity, which was fully general, in the sense that it didn't have any exact symmetry. However, their claim was proved wrong, by a number of theorems by Roger Penrose and myself. These showed that general relativity predicted singularities, whenever more than a certain amount of mass was present in a region. The first theorems were designed to show that time came to an end, inside a black hole, formed by the collapse of a star. However, the expansion of the universe, is like the time reverse of the collapse of a star. I therefore want to show you, that observational evidence indicates the universe contains sufficient matter, that it is like the time reverse of a black hole, and so contains a singularity.

In order to discuss observations in cosmology, it is helpful to draw a diagram of events in space and time, with time going upward, and the space directions horizontal. To show this diagram properly, I would really need a four dimensional screen. However, because of government cuts, we could manage to provide only a two dimensional screen. I shall therefore be able to show only one of the space directions.

As we look out at the universe, we are looking back in time, because light had to leave distant objects a long time ago, to reach us at the present time. This means that the events we observe lie on what is called our past light cone. The point of the cone is at our position, at the present time. As one goes back in time on the diagram, the light cone spreads out to greater distances, and its area increases. However, if there is sufficient matter on our past light cone, it will bend the rays of light towards each other. This will mean that, as one goes back into the past, the area of our past light cone will reach a maximum, and then start to decrease. It is this focussing of our past light cone, by the gravitational effect of the matter in the universe, that is the signal that the universe is within its horizon, like the time reverse of a black hole. If one can determine that there is enough matter in the universe, to focus our past light cone, one can then apply the singularity theorems, to show that time must have a beginning.

How can we tell from the observations, whether there is enough matter on our past light cone, to focus it? We observe a number of galaxies, but we can not measure directly how much matter they contain. Nor can we be sure that every line of sight from us will pass through a galaxy. So I will give a different argument, to show that the universe contains enough matter, to focus our past light cone. The argument is based on the spectrum of the microwave background radiation. This is characteristic of radiation that has been in thermal equilibrium, with matter at the same temperature. To achieve such an equilibrium, it is necessary for the radiation to be scattered by matter, many times. For example, the light that we receive from the Sun has a characteristically thermal spectrum. This is not because the nuclear reactions, which go on in the centre of the Sun, produce radiation with a thermal spectrum. Rather, it is because the radiation has been scattered, by the matter in the Sun, many times on its way from the centre.

In the case of the universe, the fact that the microwave background has such an exactly thermal spectrum indicates that it must have been scattered many times. The universe must therefore contain enough matter, to make it opaque in every direction we look, because the microwave background is the same, in every direction we look. Moreover, this opacity must occur a long way away from us, because we can see galaxies and quasars, at great distances. Thus there must be a lot of matter at a great distance from us. The greatest opacity over a broad wave band, for a given density, comes from ionised hydrogen. It then follows that if there is enough matter to make the universe opaque, there is also enough matter to focus our past light cone. One can then apply the theorem of Penrose and myself, to show that time must have a beginning.

The focussing of our past light cone implied that time must have a beginning, if the General Theory of relativity is correct. But one might raise the question, of whether General Relativity really is correct. It certainly agrees with all the observational tests that have been carried out. However these test General Relativity, only over fairly large distances. We know that General Relativity can not be quite correct on very small distances, because it is a classical theory. This means, it doesn't take into account, the Uncertainty Principle of Quantum Mechanics, which says that an object can not have both a well defined position, and a well defined speed: the more accurately one measures the position, the less accurately one can measure the speed, and vice versa. Therefore, to understand the very high-density stage, when the universe was very small, one needs a quantum theory of gravity, which will combine General Relativity with the Uncertainty Principle.

Many people hoped that quantum effects, would somehow smooth out the singularity of infinite density, and allow the universe to bounce, and continue back to a previous contracting phase. This would be rather like the earlier idea of galaxies missing each other, but the bounce would occur at a much higher density. However, I think that this is not what happens: quantum effects do not remove the singularity, and allow time to be continued back indefinitely. But it seems that quantum effects can remove the most objectionable feature, of singularities in classical General Relativity. This is that the classical theory, does not enable one to calculate what would come out of a singularity, because all the Laws of Physics would break down there. This would mean that science could not predict how the universe would have begun. Instead, one would have to appeal to an agency outside the universe. This may be why many religious leaders, were ready to accept the Big Bang, and the singularity theorems.

It seems that Quantum theory, on the other hand, can predict how the universe will begin. Quantum theory introduces a new idea, that of imaginary time. Imaginary time may sound like science fiction, and it has been brought into Doctor Who. But nevertheless, it is a genuine scientific concept. One can picture it in the following way. One can think of ordinary, real, time as a horizontal line. On the left, one has the past, and on the right, the future. But there's another kind of time in the vertical direction. This is called imaginary time, because it is not the kind of time we normally experience. But in a sense, it is just as real, as what we call real time.

The three directions in space, and the one direction of imaginary time, make up what is called a Euclidean space-time. I don't think anyone can picture a four dimensional curve space. But it is not too difficult to visualise a two dimensional surface, like a saddle, or the surface of a football.

In fact, James Hartle of the University of California Santa Barbara, and I have proposed that space and imaginary time together, are indeed finite in extent, but without boundary. They would be like the surface of the Earth, but with two more dimensions. The surface of the Earth is finite in extent, but it doesn't have any boundaries or edges. I have been round the world, and I didn't fall off.

If space and imaginary time are indeed like the surface of the Earth, there wouldn't be any singularities in the imaginary time direction, at which the laws of physics would break down. And there wouldn't be any boundaries, to the imaginary time space-time, just as there aren't any boundaries to the surface of the Earth. This absence of boundaries means that the laws of physics would determine the state of the universe uniquely, in imaginary time. But if one knows the state of the universe in imaginary time, one can calculate the state of the universe in real time. One would still expect some sort of Big Bang singularity in real time. So real time would still have a beginning. But one wouldn't have to appeal to something outside the universe, to determine how the universe began. Instead, the way the universe started out at the Big Bang would be determined by the state of the universe in imaginary time. Thus, the universe would be a completely self-contained system. It would not be determined by anything outside the physical universe, that we observe.

The no boundary condition, is the statement that the laws of physics hold everywhere. Clearly, this is something that one would like to believe, but it is a hypothesis. One has to test it, by comparing the state of the universe that it would predict, with observations of what the universe is actually like. If the observations disagreed with the predictions of the no boundary hypothesis, we would have to conclude the hypothesis was false. There would have to be something outside the universe, to wind up the clockwork, and set the universe going. Of course, even if the observations do agree with the predictions, that does not prove that the no boundary proposal is correct. But one's confidence in it would be increased, particularly because there doesn't seem to be any other natural proposal, for the quantum state of the universe.

The no boundary proposal, predicts that the universe would start at a single point, like the North Pole of the Earth. But this point wouldn't be a singularity, like the Big Bang. Instead, it would be an ordinary point of space and time, like the North Pole is an ordinary point on the Earth, or so I'm told. I have not been there myself.

According to the no boundary proposal, the universe would have expanded in a smooth way from a single point. As it expanded, it would have borrowed energy from the gravitational field, to create matter. As any economist could have predicted, the result of all that borrowing, was inflation. The universe expanded and borrowed at an ever-increasing rate. Fortunately, the debt of gravitational energy will not have to be repaid until the end of the universe.

Eventually, the period of inflation would have ended, and the universe would have settled down to a stage of more moderate growth or expansion. However, inflation would have left its mark on the universe. The universe would have been almost completely smooth, but with very slight irregularities. These irregularities are so little, only one part in a hundred thousand, that for years people looked for them in vain. But in 1992, the Cosmic Background Explorer satellite, COBE, found these irregularities in the microwave background radiation. It was an historic moment. We saw back to the origin of the universe. The form of the fluctuations in the microwave background agree closely with the predictions of the no boundary proposal. These very slight irregularities in the universe would have caused some regions to have expanded less fast than others. Eventually, they would have stopped expanding, and would have collapsed in on themselves, to form stars and galaxies. Thus the no boundary proposal can explain all the rich and varied structure, of the world we live in. What does the no boundary proposal predict for the future of the universe? Because it requires that the universe is finite in space, as well as in imaginary time, it implies that the universe will re-collapse eventually. However, it will not re-collapse for a very long time, much longer than the 15 billion years it has already been expanding. So, you will have time to sell your government bonds, before the end of the universe is nigh. Quite what you invest in then, I don't know.

Originally, I thought that the collapse, would be the time reverse of the expansion. This would have meant that the arrow of time would have pointed the other way in the contracting phase. People would have gotten younger, as the universe got smaller. Eventually, they would have disappeared back into the womb.

However, I now realise I was wrong, as these solutions show. The collapse is not the time reverse of the expansion. The expansion will start with an inflationary phase, but the collapse will not in general end with an anti inflationary phase. Moreover, the small departures from uniform density will continue to grow in the contracting phase. The universe will get more and more lumpy and irregular, as it gets smaller, and disorder will increase. This means that the arrow of time will not reverse. People will continue to get older, even after the universe has begun to contract. So it is no good waiting until the universe re-collapses, to return to your youth. You would be a bit past it, anyway, by then.

The conclusion of this lecture is that the universe has not existed forever. Rather, the universe, and time itself, had a beginning in the Big Bang, about 15 billion years ago. The beginning of real time, would have been a singularity, at which the laws of physics would have broken down. Nevertheless, the way the universe began would have been determined by the laws of physics, if the universe satisfied the no boundary condition. This says that in the imaginary time direction, space-time is finite in extent, but doesn't have any boundary or edge. The predictions of the no boundary proposal seem to agree with observation. The no boundary hypothesis also predicts that the universe will eventually collapse again. However, the contracting phase, will not have the opposite arrow of time, to the expanding phase. So we will keep on getting older, and we won't return to our youth. Because time is not going to go backwards, I think I better stop now.

~Professor Stephen Hawking~

Monday, June 2, 2008

Economic Models Explained with Cows


You have 2 cows.

You give one to your neighbour.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and gives you some milk..


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and sells you some milk.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both and shoots you.


You have 2 cows.

The State takes both, shoots one, milks the other, and then
throws the milk away...


You have two cows..

You sell one and buy a bull.

Your herd multiplies, and the economy grows.

You sell them and retire on the income


You have two giraffes.

The government requires you to take harmonica lessons


You have two cows.

You sell one, and force the other to produce the milk of four

Later, you hire a consultant to analyse why the cow has dropped



You have two cows.

You sell three of them to your publicly listed company, using
letters of credit opened by your brother-in-law at the bank, then
execute a debt/equity swap with an associated general offer so that you
get all four cows back, with a tax exemption for five cows. The milk
rights of the six cows are transferred via an intermediary to a Cayman
Island Company secretly owned by the majority shareholder who sells the
rights to all seven cows back to your listed company. The annual report
says the company owns eight cows, with an option on one more. You sell
one cow to buy a new president of the United States , leaving you with
nine cows.

No balance sheet provided with the release.

The public then buys your bull.


You have two cows.

You go on strike, organise a riot, and block the roads, because

you want three cows.


You have two cows.

You redesign them so they are one-tenth the size of an ordinary

cow and produce twenty times the milk.

You then create a clever cow cartoon image called 'Cowkimon'
and market it worldwide.


You have two cows.

You re-engineer them so they live for 100 years, eat once a
month, and milk themselves.


You have two cows, but you don't know where they are.

You decide to have lunch.


You have two cows.

You count them and learn you have five cows.

You count them again and learn you have 42 cows.

You count them again and learn you have 2 cows.

You stop counting cows and open another bottle of vodka.


You have 5000 cows. None of them belong to you.

You charge the owners for storing them.


You have two cows.

You have 300 people milking them.

You claim that you have full employment, and high bovine

You arrest the newsman who reported the real situation.


Two cows have you.


You have two cows.

Both are mad.


Everyone thinks you have lots of cows.

You tell them that you have none.

No-one believes you, so they bomb the **** out of you and
invade your country.

You still have no cows, but at least now you are part of a


You have two cows.

Business seems pretty good.

You close the office and go for a few beers to celebrate.


You have two cows..

The one on the left looks very attractive

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Equilbrium Thinking

**Ibnu-Murtabak** islam tu makna dia sejahtera
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak kira orang islam , orang budha , orang hindu , orang taoism ... kalau kena zalim doa dia orang tak der hijab
**JEBATREBEL** sejahtera ateh kertas ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** doa tak kira orang islam / tak islam .. kalau kena zalim doa dia orang allah angkat terus
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak der hijab
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bukan orang islam jer kena zalim
**Ibnu-Murtabak** merata tempat
**JEBATREBEL** yer ker depa kena zalim...atau sebaliknya....depa yg zalim ngan ALLAH...ker kena bala' dek ALLAH ???
**Ibnu-Murtabak** wallahualam
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita jangan tengok negara
**Ibnu-Murtabak** negara kita sendiri pun sekular
**Ibnu-Murtabak** habis cam ner nak cakap pasal islam
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita tengok nasib rakyat ... yang tak tahu apa apa
**JEBATREBEL** tak yah cakap...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** hmm..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** macam kita ni ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita sendiri tak tahu nasib kita kat mana , pegangan kita cam ner
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak kan nak salahkan mak ayah kita ?
**JEBATREBEL** saya tau pegangan saya kat mana...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** maksud jebat?
**JEBATREBEL** yeppp mak ayah tak salah..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** maksud jebat?
**JEBATREBEL** dia mencorak kan jer..nak jadi yahudi ker.....nasara ker....islam ker....memacam ler...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita di didik secara sekular sedari kecik .. tuh yang banyak terpengaruh , mungkin tak semua
**JEBATREBEL** yep..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** betul , mak ayah mencorakkan .. tapi persekitaran main peranan gak
**JEBATREBEL** dari kecik...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ya
**JEBATREBEL** yep...
**JEBATREBEL** tul...
**JEBATREBEL** nokomen...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** memmm ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nak salah kan sesorang tu pun tak leh gak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab kita sebenar nyer tersasar jauh
**JEBATREBEL** persekitaran tu pulak sapa yg bagik salah ??
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak leh nak salah saper sapewr
**JEBATREBEL** kat klcc tak der langsung persekitaran islam...
**JEBATREBEL** krjaan yg salah..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** emmm .. saya join gak tengok bunga api kat KLCC , 31 ogos baru ni ehehe
**Ibnu-Murtabak** new year tak pegi
**JEBATREBEL** dia pegang kuasa...dah istihar 'negara islam'....naper tak jaga keluhuran islam.??
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sakit kepala sokmo
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kalau kita asyik salah orang , sampai bila tak habis
**JEBATREBEL** sbb orang yg salah...hihihhi
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nak salah pemerintah bpleh .. nak salah mak ayah boleh ... nak salah masyarakat boleh .. nak salah diri sendiri .. semuanya buleh
**JEBATREBEL** kita blaja dari salah orang...sbb nampak...gajah depan mata memang ler nampak...hihihihih
**Ibnu-Murtabak** :)
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak ramai orang laa malam ni .. saya nak tidur awal malam ni
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..tak ramai...
**JEBATREBEL** sbb awal lagik kot...
**JEBATREBEL** tu ler pasai..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kalau ada tukayah , tukman best gak
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya...
**JEBATREBEL** tuk dok layan tetamu kot..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita 2 jer .. nanti kena tangkap khalwat lak
**JEBATREBEL** kahfi....tokaki...ngan faizal gi kelate nih...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** oh .. dia orang buat apa kat sana**
**Ibnu-Murtabak** oh .. dia orang buat apa kat sana ?
**JEBATREBEL** ntah ler ...beborak ler kot....tak pong citer2 bab tareqat ker apa ker....
**JEBATREBEL** gi suluk ker ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** eheheh
**Ibnu-Murtabak** suluk ajer
**JEBATREBEL** cara2 nak jadik wali ker...
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**JEBATREBEL** nak jadik salik ker...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** mana leh niat cam tu
**Kurtoss** assalamualaikum w.b.t
**JEBATREBEL** W/salamwbth..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** niat dah tak betul tu
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ikhlas dah tak der
**JEBATREBEL** kena ler niat yg baik..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** :)
**JEBATREBEL** takkan nak niat tak baik...
**JEBATREBEL** tu kira paling sengkek nyer niat tu..
**JEBATREBEL** tak kan nak niat jadik nabi kot....
**Ibnu-Murtabak** eheheh
**JEBATREBEL** nak niat jadi aljunaid ....jauh sekali...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** yer ler ... yang penting ikhlas ... nak jadi wali ker tok wali ker apa ker ... itu hak allah
**JEBATREBEL** nak jadi 4 imam..poun jauh gak sekali...
**JEBATREBEL** yeppp
**Ibnu-Murtabak** aljunaid tu saper
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ya
**JEBATREBEL** dengan rahmatnyer...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ya
**JEBATREBEL** kira wali besar ler...
**JEBATREBEL** ghaus tu..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** al junaid tu?
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ghaus tu saper?
**JEBATREBEL** ihskkk
**Ibnu-Murtabak** yer?
**JEBATREBEL** tak dapek ler eden nak habaq bebanyak...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** habaq apa dia?
**Ibnu-Murtabak** habaq mai laaa
**JEBATREBEL** tak yah ler...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jangan jadi superman dah laa .. pakai spender kat luar
**JEBATREBEL** tak aku suka kluag man...
**JEBATREBEL** sbb tu made in mesia...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** wali tu makna dia orang yang hampir dengan allah ... bukan jenis macam Ultraman , Bat Man , Superman tu
**JEBATREBEL** yeppp
**JEBATREBEL** tul tu...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** orang yang hampir dengan Allah ..
**JEBATREBEL** kalau hampir ..kira2 tak sampai lagik....kalau kata dekat mungkin dah sampai kot...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** so amal laa apa yang quran cakap dalam Quran cam ner nak jadi wali(orang yang hampir dengan dia )
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay laa tu
**JEBATREBEL** kalau di'dekatkan' mungkin sampai kot...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ana asyik duk layan metallica jerk .. belakang anta jer ler kot eheheh
**JEBATREBEL** ya kena ler amal...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** :)
**JEBATREBEL** kita amal ni leh masuk syurga ker cam ner ???
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tak ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita masuk syurga bukan sebab amalan kita
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..
**JEBATREBEL** tak..
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab rahmat dia
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..
**JEBATREBEL** stuju..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** cuma .. apa yang ana rasa , kalau kita rasa hampir dengan allah , kita kenal allah , kenal diri kita ...
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya....stuju..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ada macam kekuatan pada kita
**JEBATREBEL** yesss
**JEBATREBEL** bagus tu..
**JEBATREBEL** kalau dah rasa ada kekuatan kira ok ler tu...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** masalah sekarang ... apa bila orang baca Al-Quran ... dia orang fokus kebelakang
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dan ada yang fokus ke depan
**JEBATREBEL** belakang quran memang tak der apa2..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** eheheh
**JEBATREBEL** dalam quran ada banyak perkara...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bukan baca belakang quran
**JEBATREBEL** yep..
**JEBATREBEL** fokus kedepan...ok tu..
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**Ibnu-Murtabak** belakang quran , kulit kertas jer ler
**JEBATREBEL** kira dash advance..
**JEBATREBEL** sbb tu umat islam laaaa ni kebelakang..sbb tak fokus kedepan...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita kalau nak baca Quran , apa yang ana faham ... kita kena fokus belakang , depan , dan kembali ke asal( sekarang )
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kalau kita fokus belakang jer .. tu yang pakat naik unta habis
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kalau fokus depan jer .. tu yang pakat tak ingat dunia langsung
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dia cam ner pun kena fokus ke present gak
**JEBATREBEL** kembali ke asal..hmm tu ke baitul makmur tu...jauh tu...jauh sangat...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bukan
**Ibnu-Murtabak** maksud saya
**Ibnu-Murtabak** pemikiran kita
**Ibnu-Murtabak** perjalanan Syuhud kita
**JEBATREBEL** ok ok...pemikiran.....hmm ok...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** metaphysic
**Ibnu-Murtabak** atau pun mentalphysics
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab tu bila saya cakap pasal ahli kitab , tuk ayah tak setuju .. sebab dia fokus belakang
**JEBATREBEL** yepppp
**JEBATREBEL** syuhud..
* ^^BuE_HyPPo^^ has joined #anugerah
**Ibnu-Murtabak** metaphysiscs
**Ibnu-Murtabak** metafisik .. dalam ihya ulumuddin ada cakap pasal metafisik
**JEBATREBEL** yes..ada ada...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** metafisik ni .. cara kita berfikir berdasarkan yang lepas pergi ke
present(sekarang) pergi ke depan dan kembali ke present
**Ibnu-Murtabak** cam ner nak terang yerk
**JEBATREBEL** macam roda
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jap saya lukis kasi abang jebat faham
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bukan , macam huruf 8 terbalik
**Ibnu-Murtabak** cuba abang jebat tengok citer a beutiful mind
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jap saya lukis yerk abang jebat
**Ibnu-Murtabak** gimme a minute
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya tak rasa rugi share apa yang saya tahu
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab metafisik bukan semua orang buleh faham
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya harap anta buleh faham
**JEBATREBEL** mudah2an
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab kalau anta buleh faham metafisik , anta baca quran .. perghhhhh , meaningful betul .. sungguh ni sheikh
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab al quran ni penung dengan maani dengan maknawi
**Ibnu-Murtabak** yang maknawi orang senang faham
**Ibnu-Murtabak** maani tu yang orang tak baper nampak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** maksud saya dari persepsi kita ataupun cara ulamak dahulu berfikir
**JEBATREBEL** hmm...hang dah kira tahap laduni ni ..perghhhh
**Ibnu-Murtabak** orang zaman dahulu berfikir ... perghhhhhh .... tabik !!!
**Ibnu-Murtabak** eh mana ada laduni laduni ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** lari dalam guni penah laa
**Ibnu-Murtabak** lari dalam guni pun tabik ka?
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay first
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya explain simple
**Ibnu-Murtabak** lepas ni saya buat diagram
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kalau anta leh faham .. meleleh air mata anta baca quran lepas ni :)
**Ibnu-Murtabak** simple
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak manusia ni ada banyak bahagian kan?
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak kiri , otak kanan , dah yang kat dahi tu .. sereberum ke apa tah
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dalam kehidupan seharian kita .. kita banyak fikir guna otak kiri atau otak kanan sahaja .. dan jarang pergi ke serberum
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**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab tu kita nampak yang lepas (otak kiri) dan yang terlalu ke depan , ingat mati jer ( otak kanan )
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dan jarang sekali kita guna sereberum
**^ulfah** assalamualaikum
**Ibnu-Murtabak** itu hikmah nyer kita sujud dalam sembahyang .. kasi darah mengalir ke situ time sujud
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab jarang sangat kita pergi ke sereberum
**JEBATREBEL** W/salamwbth...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Wa`alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
**JEBATREBEL** btul..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** so , orang zaman dahulu especially ulamak , apatah lagi nabi ... dia orang guna otak kiri , otak kanan , dan fokus pada sereberum
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jap saya buat diagram kay
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ' --------------'
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Refer PIC.1
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ' \------------/'
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ' Present'
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ' (sereberum)'
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay itu gambarajah permikiran sihat yang umumnya kita ketahui
**Ibnu-Murtabak** iaitu otak kiri dan otak kanan yang balance
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak orang zaman laa ni ... sebab tu menyuntut rata rata ehehehehe
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita tak fokus ke sereberum ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay otak tak sihat lak
**JEBATREBEL** susah aaaaa mau buek itu g/rajah..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jap
**^ulfah** nak tanya blh dok?
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ------
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Refer PIC.3
**Ibnu-Murtabak** \----/Present
**Ibnu-Murtabak** (sereberum)
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak cam ni tak balance ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dia fokus kebelakang banyak ... dia gi gak ke serberum,
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**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak cam ni yang duk ingat islam zaman unta ni
**Ibnu-Murtabak** duk ingat islam suruh pakai kayu sugi sampai kiamat
**JEBATREBEL** yer yer....tu jaman unta tuh..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay lagi satu otak tak sihat
**JEBATREBEL** pakai kayu sugi tu sunnah..
**JEBATREBEL** lama gak nak lukih g/rajah nih..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** berus gigi pun sunnah gak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya tak pakai kayu sugi .. saya pakai listerine ... itu otak tak balance
**Ibnu-Murtabak** wallahualam
**Ibnu-Murtabak** pada pendapat peribadi saya laa
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay lagi satu otak tak balance
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Refer PIC.4
* ^^BuE_HyPPo^^ has quit IRC (Quit: )
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay yang ni .. orang cam ni yang ingat nak akhirat jerrrrr .. langsung tak ingat dunia
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tinggal habis dunia
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jebat leh faham tak?
**JEBATREBEL** eh bagusssss tu....
**JEBATREBEL** tinggal dunia teruih ler bagussss......wali smuar cenggitu..
**JEBATREBEL** fahammmmm
**Ibnu-Murtabak** salah tu jebat
**Ibnu-Murtabak** orang islam pemikiran dia macma ni
**Ibnu-Murtabak** jap saya paste
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ------ ------
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Refer PIC.2
**JEBATREBEL** pahampaham..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak kiri kanan dia balance .. dan dia fokus pada present
**Ibnu-Murtabak** present ( sekarang ) , bahagian sereberum otak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tapi saya pun tak leh fikir cam tu eheheheh
**Ibnu-Murtabak** sebab banyak dengar lagu Metallica ahaks
**Ibnu-Murtabak** itu hikmahnya sujud dalam sembahyang
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita nak kan darah mengalir ke sereberum tu
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ini lah metafizik yang saya faham
**Ibnu-Murtabak** metafizik otak ..
**JEBATREBEL** bagus tu..
**JEBATREBEL** metafizik otak ni bagus..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** yang metafizik ghaib macam jin , setan , iblis tu jangan tanya saya laa .. saya tak sampai ilmu takat tu
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dalam ihya ulumuddin ada cakap pasal metafizik ni
**Ibnu-Murtabak** itu pemikiran orang zaman zaman dulu laaa
**Ibnu-Murtabak** tok tok wali , para para syuhadaq
**JEBATREBEL** yess orang dedulu memang tereerr bab metafizik nih....
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Nabi dan rasul lagi laa ...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya faham jer metafizik .. tapi jangan cakap saya ahli metafizik lak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** fizik pun gagak saya ni
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kesimpulan nya ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** unsur negatif + positif dari persekitaran tu kita kena ambil kira 2 2 ( bukan maksud saya negatif tu tengok gambar porno ker apa )
**JEBATREBEL** ya kesimpulan nya..???
**JEBATREBEL** nunggu kesimpulan..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** kita consider good and bad and fokus
**Ibnu-Murtabak** abang jebat tengok citer A beutiful Mind
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nanti Abang Jebat faham kot
**Ibnu-Murtabak** mamat tu dapat Noble prize
**JEBATREBEL** waaa mamat tu dapat nobel yahudi tu ler ...hihihihihi
**Ibnu-Murtabak** :)
**JEBATREBEL** tererrrr mamat tuh...
**JEBATREBEL** satu dunia peluk cium kat dia....hihihihihi
* RockyMountain has left #anugerah
**Ibnu-Murtabak** orang islam pun ramai yang terer metafizik ni
**JEBATREBEL** bagus mamat ni....apsal qardawi tak dapat2 yer ????
**Ibnu-Murtabak** cuma orang islam ni low profail
**Ibnu-Murtabak** qardawi dia zuhud ..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nik aziz pun zuhud
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nik aziz tu bagus tu ... muka dia tenang jerrr
**Ibnu-Murtabak** suka ana tengok muka dia
**Ibnu-Murtabak** otak dia balance ... itu spiritual dalaman .. spiritual luaran lagi laa ... bab bab ghaib ni
**JEBATREBEL** yep..bagus tu...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** zuhud tak semestinya menunjukkan otak dia tak balance ..
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya...otak dia balance...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** merendahkan diri kan di galakkan dalam islam
**JEBATREBEL** zuhud ni apa makna nyer ??
**Ibnu-Murtabak** merendah diri kot
**JEBATREBEL** ya ya..
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nik aziz metafizik dia luar dalam bagus .. cara dia bercakap .. air muka dia .. dah buleh nampak
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ----------------
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Refer PIC.1
**Ibnu-Murtabak** \--------------/
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Present
**Ibnu-Murtabak** (sereberum)
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nih otak sihat zaman sekarang
**Ibnu-Murtabak** guiness , terer , cerdik .. tapi tak semayang , tak posa .. tak ingat tuhan
**Ibnu-Murtabak** saya pun bukan betul mana
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bukan nak mengata sesapa .. saya pun banyak tak betul
**Ibnu-Murtabak** just nak share knowledge
* airmatakasih has joined #anugerah
**JEBATREBEL** nampak ??
* kelewang has joined #anugerah
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nampak apa dia?
**JEBATREBEL** t/kasih...
**JEBATREBEL** bagus g/rajah nih...
**Ibnu-Murtabak** dah tak semayang tak sujud ner nak fokus ke sereberum
**airmatakasih** assalamualaikum
**Ibnu-Murtabak** rohani tak der .. buat zalim ngan orang .. perangai cam haiwan
**Ibnu-Murtabak** Wa`alaikumsalam Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
**Kurtoss** emm..
* airmatakasih has quit IRC (Quit: )
**Ibnu-Murtabak** okay laa kuar dulu
**Ibnu-Murtabak** bye
**Ibnu-Murtabak** nak tidur
**Ibnu-Murtabak** ada hal esok pagi

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Jumpa Doktor Lagi

hmm.. hari ni 17 April 2008 , aku pergi untuk 2nd appointment bagi bulan ni, kali ni dengan Klinik Psakaitri , jumpa doktor..apa nama tah aku pun tak ingat , perempuan..baik orang nya, aku luahkan masalah sakit aku pada doktor...aku kata aku tak happy..tambahan pula aku ada sakit lain lain (Diabetes dan Hypertension) , then doktor tanya aku ..."ada buat exercise tak?"..aku cakap "tak"

Last aku buat exercise kalau tak silap tahun lepas, main Futsal untuk pertandingan budak budak office aku...itu last sekali aku exercise rasanya..Tahun ni aku ada main Wood Ball ..tapi aku tak rasa main wood ball tu exercise sebab tak berpeluh pun...macam orang dungu jer main Wood Ball ni ehehe..tak berapa minat pun main Wood Ball , office mate ajak and since itu adalah tournament untuk para pegawai office aku , aku pun turut serta main.... tension jangan cakap laaa ...sebab tak minat dan macam orang bodoh jer main Wood Ball ni eheheh

Then lepas aku cakap pada doktor aku tak der buat exercise, doktor sarankan aku buat exercise 2 kali seminggu , 30 minit satu sesi ..tak lama..Bila kita buat exercise , badan kita akan increase satu bahan kimia yang akan buat kita rasa happy..itu pesan doktor pada aku. Doktor dah lama suruh aku buat exercise tambahan pula aku ada Diabetes dan Hypertension.Aku jer yang tak buat, tambahan pula aku ni agak bzzz... pukul 6 pm paling awal baru balik orfice , ada masa malam baru balik, sabtu ahad pun kena datang office buat kejer...

Lepas jumpa doktor aku request for Medical Leave , dan doktor kasi...., then terus ke office untuk serahkan M.C kepada kerani office. Lepas ke office aku terus balik rumah....tidur...petang bangkit dalam 6.15 pm aku bersiap-siap untuk jogging, start kereta pergi ke office aku balik untuk jogging. Area office aku memang biasa orang gunakan untuk jogging sebab tempatnya hijau dan menyegarkan mata memandang.Lepas jogging dalam 30 minit aku pun balik semula ke rumah , sampai dekat pukul 8.00 pm , mandi dan terus solat maghrib.Lepak-lepak kejap...aku pun check blood pressure aku , wow ...very impress...blood pressure aku dah jadi normal , happy nya... baru semalam doktor increase ubat hypertension aku....tapi aku tak makan lagi...just makan dos lama. Kalau macam ni ...kena amalkan berjogging petang-petang, bagus ni fikir aku.Then aku call wife aku, ajak dia jogging lak sabtu ni, dia dengan happynya bersetuju.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Luahan hati seorang pesakit

Hari ini , 16 April 2008 , aku seperti 3 bulan sebelumnya hadir ke klinik diabetik di perkampungan aku untuk berjumpa dengan doktor , Doktor Ardilla namanya ,manis orangnya..single lagi..aku buat ujian tekanan darah dan ujian gula dalam darah. Hmmm... tekanan darah aku naik lagi..130/100, doktor tambah dos ke 20 mg enalapril ( sebelum ni 10 mg jer), gula pula naik sedikit 9.8 mmg/hl ( suppose to be below 8.0 mmg/hl after meal)..doktor just suruh control makan..dan terus maintain ubat sebelum ni.

Aku sedih ... dalam usia yang sebegini muda aku dah kena penyakit yang di katergorikan sebagai penyakit kronik (uncurable). Adapun diabetes dan High blood ni hanya boleh dikawal , tapi tidak boleh disembuhkan.Terpaksa bergantung dengan ubat-ubatan sepanjang hidup aku (begitu lah kata doktor).

Seperti biasa , aku rasa serabut dan tertekan dengan beban kerja yang tak pernah habis-habis diselang seli dengan stress dan masalah pening/sakit kepala( akibat kandungan gula dalam darah yang tak stabil) dan tekanan darah yang turun naik menyebabkan tengkuk aku sering sakit-sakit.

Rasa kecewa tu memang ada , tapi bila teringatkan nurul, isteri aku yang baik, taat...penyayang...rasa kecewa itu dapat aku sembunyikan. Melihat sahaja gelagat beliau dengan perangainya yang keanak-anakan tu membuat aku tersenyum riang

Kadang-kadang aku terfikir , sampai bila aku akan menderita begini sehingga keadaan akan menjadi semakin teruk dan teruk sehinggalah nyawa bercerai dari badan. Adakah aku akan terdampar lesu/lumpuh dahulu disisi isteriku yang tersayang sebelum menanti saat saat akhir hayatku seperti yang sedang terjadi kepada ayahku? ( ayahku juga seorang pesakit diabetes + High blood pressure + Jantung yang kronik, kini lumpuh paras pinggang)

Betapa hidup ini ku rasa kan semacam tidak bererti lagi....

esok 17 April 2008 , aku akan ke hospital pula untuk rawatan lanjutan penyakit aku yang seterusnya ..Schizophrenia.